traditional export and import
Logical Backups:- ================= Logical backup can be considered as an alternate backup solution but not as main stream backup solution Useful in the case of databae upgration and database migrations Logical backups are platform independent It is useful in the case of data reorganisation Useful incase of moving objects from one schema to another schema Logical backups generate dump files and log files and we cannot edit dump files otherwise it will be corrupted Dump files contains meta data as well as business data we can take incremental bacups using logical backups and dump files cannot be imported using impdp utility Export can be done in 2 ways coventional path and direct path In conventional path it uses sql statement to bring the data from disk to buffer cache and then it is evaluated to and traferred to export client which writes data to dump file In direct path , it will directly reads data from disk into export session of PGA and then transfers to expo...